αRby—An Embedding of Alloy in Ruby
about αRby
- declarative modeling language embedded in an imperative programming language
- beneficial to both the modeling community of Alloy and the object-oriented community of Ruby programmers
- benefits to Alloy users:
- mixed execution
- partial instances
- staged model finding
- benefits to Ruby users:
- seamless embedding of a relational constraint solver
download & run
- download
- arby @ github
- license
- GPLv3
- requirements
- Ruby 1.9.3 or higher (not tested with 2.1.1) and JDK 1.6 or higher (not tested with 1.8)
export JAVA_HOME="/etc/java-6-openjdk" ## or wherever your Java is installed
git clone https://github.com/sdg-mit/arby.git
cd arby
bundle install
./run_tests.sh test/unit/arby/models/abz14/sudoku_test.rb ## runs a given test only
./run_tests.sh ## runs all tests
sample models
- sample models are located in
- corresponding unit tests are located in
hamiltonian path
spec in αRby
alloy :GraphModel do sig Node [val: (lone Int)] sig Edge [src, dst: (one Node)] {src != dst} sig Graph[nodes:(set Node), edges:(set Edge)] pred hampath[g: Graph, path: (seq Node)] { path[Int] == g.nodes and path.size == g.nodes.size and all(i: 0...path.size-1) | some(e: g.edges) { e.src == path[i] && e.dst == path[i+1] } } assertion reach { all(g: Graph, path: (seq Node)) | if hampath(g, path) g.nodes.in? path[0].*((~src).dst) end } run :hampath, 5, Graph=>exactly(1), Node=>3 check :reach, 5, Graph=>exactly(1), Node=>3 end
equivalent Alloy model
module GraphModel sig Node {val: lone Int} sig Edge {src, dst: one Node}{src != dst} sig Graph{nodes: set Node, edges: set Edge} pred hampath[g: Graph, path: seq Node] { path[Int] = g.nodes #path = #g.nodes all i: Int | i >= 0 && i < minus[#path,1] => { some e: g.edges | e.src = path[i] && e.dst = path[plus[i,1]] } } assert reach { all g: Graph, path: seq Node | hampath[g, path] => g.nodes in path[0].*(~src.dst) } run hampath for 5 but exactly 1 Graph, 3 Node check reach for 5 but exactly 1 Graph, 3 Node
automatically generated Ruby classes
module GraphModel class Node; attr_accessor :val end class Edge; attr_accessor :src, :dst end class Graph; attr_accessor :nodes, :edges end def self.hampath(g, path) <same as above> end def self.reach() <same as above> end def self.run_hampath() exe_cmd :hampath end def self.check_reach() exe_cmd :reach end end
running the hampath
predicate and checking
the reach
# find an instance satisfying the :hampath pred sol = GraphModel.run_hampath assert sol.satisfiable? g, path = sol["$hampath_g"], sol["$hampath_path"] puts g.nodes # => e.g., {<Node$0>, <Node$1>} puts g.edges # => e.g., {<Node$1, Node$0>} puts path # => {<0, Node$1>, <1, Node$0>} # check that the "reach" assertion holds sol = GraphModel.check_reach assert !sol.satisfiable?
alloy :SudokuModel do SudokuModel::N = 9 sig Sudoku[grid: Int ** Int ** (lone Int)] pred solved[s: Sudoku] { m = Integer(Math.sqrt(N)) rng = lambda{|i| m*i...m*(i+1)} all(r: 0...N) { s.grid[r][Int] == (1..N) and s.grid[Int][r] == (1..N) } and all(c, r: 0...m) { s.grid[rng[c]][rng[r]] == (1..N) } } end
solving for partial instance
class SudokuModel::Sudoku def pi bnds = Arby::Ast::Bounds.new inds = (0...N)**(0...N) - self.grid.project(0..1) bnds[Sudoku] = self bnds.lo[Sudoku.grid] = self ** self.grid bnds.hi[Sudoku.grid] = self ** inds ** (1..N) bnds.bound_int(0..N) end def solve() SudokuModel.solve :solved, self.pi end def display() puts grid end def self.parse(s) Sudoku.new grid: s.split(/;\s*/).map{|x| x.split(/,/).map(&:to_i)} end end SudokuModel.N = 4 s = Sudoku.parse "0,0,1; 0,3,4; 3,1,1; 2,2,3" s.solve(); s.display(); # => {<0,0,1>,<0,1,3>,...}
staged model finding
def dec(sudoku, order=Array(0...sudoku.grid.size).shuffle) return nil if order.empty? # all possibilities exhausted s_dec = Sudoku.new grid: sudoku.grid.delete_at(order.first) # delete a tuple at random position sol = s_dec.clone.solve() # clone so that "s_dec" doesn't get updated if a solution is found (sol.satisfiable? && !sol.next.satisfiable?) ? s_dec : dec(sudoku, order[1..-1]) end def min(sudoku) (s1 = dec(sudoku)) ? min(s1) : sudoku end s = Sudoku.new; s.solve(); s = min(s); puts "local minimum found: #{s.grid.size}"
main syntactic differences between αRby and Alloy
description | Alloy | αRby |
equality | x = y |
x == y |
sigs and fields | sig S { f: lone S -> Int } |
sig S [ f: lone(S) ** Int ] |
fun return type declaration | fun f[s: S]: set S {} |
fun f[s: S][set S] {} |
set comprehension | {s: S | p1[s]} |
S.select{|s| p1[s]} |
quantifiers | all s: S { p1[s] p2[s] } |
all(s: S) { p1(s) and p2(s) } |
illegal Ruby operators | x in y, x !in y x !> y x -> y x . y #x x => y x => y else z S <: f, f >: Int |
x.in?(y), x.not_in?(y) not x > y x ** y x.(y) x.size y if x if x then y else z S.< f, f.> Int |
operator arity mismatch | ^x *x |
x.closure x.rclosure |
fun/pred calls | f1[x] |
f1(x) |
BNF grammar
spec ::= "alloy" cname "do" [open*] paragraph* "end" open ::= "open" cnameID paragraph ::= factDecl | funDecl | cmdDecl | sigDecl sigQual ::= "abstract" | "lone" | "one" | "some" | "ordered" sigDecl ::= sigQual* "sig" cname,+ ["extends" cnameID] ["[" rubyHash "]"] [block] factDecl ::= "fact" [fname] block funDecl ::= "fun" fname "[" rubyHash "]" "[" expr "]" block | "pred" fname ["[" rubyHash "]"] block cmdDecl ::= ("run"|"check") fname "," scope | ("run"|"check") "(" scope ")" block expr ::= ID | rubyInt | rubyBool | "(" expr ")" | unOp expr | unMeth "(" expr ")" | expr binOp expr | expr "[" expr "]" | expr "if" expr | expr "." "(" expr ")" // relational join | expr "." (binMeth | ID) "(" expr,* ")" // function/predicate call | "if" expr "then" expr ["else" expr] "end" | quant "(" rubyHash ")" block quant ::= "all" | "no" | "some" | "lone" | "one" | "sum" | "let" | "select" binOp ::= "||" | "or" | "&&" | "and" | "**" | "&" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "<<" | ">>" | "==" | "<=>" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" binMeth ::= "closure" | "rclosure" | "size" | "in?" | "shr" | "<" | ">" | "*" | "^" unOp ::= "!" | "~" | "not" unMeth ::= "no" | "some" | "lone" | "one" | "set" | "seq" block ::= "{" stmt* "}" | "do" stmt* "end" stmt ::= expr | rubyStmt scope ::= rubyInt "," rubyHash // global scope, individual sig scopes ID ::= cnameID | fnameID cname ::= cnameID | '"'cnameID'"' | "'"cnameID"'" | ":"cnameID fname ::= fnameID | '"'fnameID'"' | "'"fnameID"'" | ":"fnameID cnameID ::= ___constant identifier in Ruby (starts with upper case)___ fnameID ::= ___function identifier in Ruby (starts with lower case)___
Copyright © 2014 Aleksandar Milicevic